Mother Nature is our muse. Building on her handiwork, we’re finding new uses for materials that exist right in front of us. Like wool from merino sheep, who have the best hair in nature.
But even great locks need a trim from time to time. With fibres that are 20% the diameter of human hair, our superfine merino wool is breathable, temperature-regulating, and moisture-wicking, all without that irritating scratchiness.
Inspired by the Flock
In New Zealand, sheep outnumber humans about six to one. Thanks to their wool, our process uses 60% less energy than materials used in typical synthetic shoes.

Our Sheep Live The Good Life
We work with leading organizations like ZQ Merino to ensure our wool is held to high standards of farming, land management and animal welfare.

More Materials

Recycled Bottles
One recycled plastic bottle equals one pair of Allbirds laces. Reincarnation is a beautiful thing.

Castor Bean Oil
Castor bean oil helps us increase the natural content in our insoles. Lean, bean, comfort machines.

Recycled Cardboard
Our packaging is made from 90% recycled cardboard. Because every box deserves a second chance.